Vet Services: Caring for Your Pregnant Dog

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A Galloping Guide To Horse Care You would be hard pressed to find a young child who didn't want a pony at some point in their life, but once a parent says yes, how do you care for the horse? Your local vet can answer all your specific questions about how to raise a healthy horse, but you can also use these blog posts to give you an overview during your horse ownership journey. Check out this web site for information about horse feed, signs your horse needs vet attention, and even riding tips for beginners. Horse health is not a complicated subject, and the more you know, the happier your horse (and child) will be.



Your dog starts showing signs of pregnancy by being restless and anxious. Some dogs will begin panting, vomiting, and pacing while others lose appetite. Others will begin taking more food. After a few months into the pregnancy, you start noticing the big belly. Here are five ways vet services can help to care for your pregnant dog.

Proper Nutrition and Diet 

Your dog will need puppy food several weeks into the pregnancy. The best time to start is when you start noticing the big belly. During this time, the young ones are developing very fast inside the stomach. This type of food will give your dog enough protein and energy. Instead of giving the pet a lot of food at once, divide it into three or four smaller meals. Also, spread out the meals throughout the day because the young ones press on her stomach too hard. Overfeeding her a lot of food discourages her from taking the next meal.


Annual vaccines help a pregnant dog to stay healthy and free from diseases. It also protects the young ones from diseases. However, it is not mandatory to vaccinate a dog so long as she is up to date with all her scheduled vaccines. However, you can contact vet services to administer the rabies vaccine. The best time for this vaccine is during the second half of the pregnancy.

Otherwise, vet services recommend vaccinating the dog against provirus, hepatitis, and distemper virus, which she should receive after giving birth. Additionally, you can consider immunity-boosting vaccines because she will be at risk of malnutrition during pregnancy.


Administering wormer medicine during the pregnancy period helps to eliminate worms. The drug prevents the spread of worms to the young ones after they are born. Worming should start several weeks into the pregnancy until two days after she gives birth. 

There are many other types of drugs you can give a pregnant dog for purposes of worming. Just ensure they do not have any side effects.


Little exercises such as short walks and light plays will keep the dog active during pregnancy. These types of activities can start thirty days into the pregnancy. However, avoid over-exercising the dog to avoid straining her and the young ones. 

Finally, implement indoor exercises only during the last week of pregnancy. Again, containing the pet will protect her from any parasite infestations.

Vet services can provide advice and professional care to the dog to prevent malnutrition and obesity during pregnancy. They can also help if your pregnant dog has blood sugar problems and other illness conditions.

Make an appointment with a local vet office, such as Findon Vet Surgery, to learn more.

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