Red-Tinged Pee? 3 Ways to Help a Feline Friend with Haematuria

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A Galloping Guide To Horse Care You would be hard pressed to find a young child who didn't want a pony at some point in their life, but once a parent says yes, how do you care for the horse? Your local vet can answer all your specific questions about how to raise a healthy horse, but you can also use these blog posts to give you an overview during your horse ownership journey. Check out this web site for information about horse feed, signs your horse needs vet attention, and even riding tips for beginners. Horse health is not a complicated subject, and the more you know, the happier your horse (and child) will be.



You could be worried if your feline friend hasn't peed for two or three days, or you could be worried if it pees too much. But could it not be more alarming if it pees blood? If the cat pees red- or orange-tinged urine or if you see blood clots in the urine, get to your phone and contact a vet immediately. Blood in a cat's urine could indicate urinary tract infections or other serious underlying health issues. The common causes of bloody urine (haematuria) in cats—and also dogs—include obesity, bladder stones, trauma and stress, infections, bacteria and tumours. If you spot some blood in the cat's urine but the pet acts normal, here's how you help it:

Keep It Hydrated and Monitor Its Diet

Cats don't get dehydrated so often like humans, but this doesn't mean they don't need water in their body. Get some clean water for your feline in its bowl every day. Don't assume that moist canned food or milk are enough.Some commercial foods could hurt the cat's digestive system or alter its urine's pH, causing bladder stones. The cat's diet should have the right portions of minerals like magnesium to prevent bladder stones.

Help Your Cat Exercise

If your cat is overweight, it may be more prone to haematuria than a healthier feline. An overweight cat that doesn't exercise regularly may develop some health problems, especially those associated with the urinary tract system. Train your feline friend to walk on a leash instead of keeping it indoors; cats feel good when playing, exploring and sniffing around.

Buy the right ID tags, harnesses, jackets and leashes for your cat. Don't attach the leash to the cat's collar because its gentle neck could be injured. Instead, let your feline wear a jacket or ID tag. Get safe toys for your cat and create some play sessions for them daily. Go for fun cat tunnels, laser-chaser games or cat trees or even teach them some new tricks to help them stay healthier.

Take Your Feline to a Veterinarian

If the feline friend continues to pee blood, visit a veterinarian. A vet will perform a physical examination, urine culture, urinalysis, X-rays and blood tests to diagnose the actual cause of blood in the cat's urine. The underlying cause of the problem will determine the treatment the vet prescribes. The veterinarian may use fluid therapy or some anti-spasmodic medications to help the cat's bladder relax or antibiotics to treat infections. If the veterinarian suspects a urethral obstruction, they will insert a urinary catheter. If stones have formed in the cat's bladder, the veterinarian will prescribe a diet that could break them up or remove them surgically.

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