Changes In Your Dog That Signal The Need To Visit A Veterinary Dentist

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A Galloping Guide To Horse Care You would be hard pressed to find a young child who didn't want a pony at some point in their life, but once a parent says yes, how do you care for the horse? Your local vet can answer all your specific questions about how to raise a healthy horse, but you can also use these blog posts to give you an overview during your horse ownership journey. Check out this web site for information about horse feed, signs your horse needs vet attention, and even riding tips for beginners. Horse health is not a complicated subject, and the more you know, the happier your horse (and child) will be.



Dogs' teeth are much more resilient than those of humans, and this makes them capable of chewing through virtually anything they come across. However, while gnawing helps with strengthening their teeth, it also proses the threat of injury to their gum and teeth. And if these injuries go unnoticed by you, they can eventually transform into serious dental problems. Not to mention general disregard of teeth cleanings will also increase the threat of oral disease. To ensure that your pet does not suffer excessively and potentially lose their teeth, here are changes in your dog that signal the need to visit a veterinary dentist.

Your dog's breath has turned into a foul stench

Most pet owners can agree that dog breath is a horrid smell. However, if you have had your pet slobbering on you for a while, you can tell what their normal dog breath smells like. The minute that it becomes nauseatingly putrid, it should warn you of the possibility of an infection.  As stated earlier, dogs gnaw on pretty much everything. If they are chewing on hard items that can scratch their gums, they become susceptible to abscesses forming.

The longer this goes undetected, the higher the risk of bacteria infecting these open wounds, and this leads to a rancid odour emanating from these wounds. Moreover, if the infection is not caught early, the decay can spread to their jawbone, and you will be facing additional oral complications. It is critical to see a veterinary dentist as soon as possible. If the gum has started to pull away from the tooth due to rot, then the dentist will have to extract the affected teeth.

Your dog has stopped chewing on its toys

At the onset of oral problems, your dog may not visibly be in pain. Thus, they may get on with eating their pet food and playing with their chew toys while whatever oral issue they have developed becomes exacerbated. When you observe that they show no interest in their toys anymore, more so the chew toy that is difficult to pry away from their jaws, you should be concerned about a dental problem.

In some scenarios, the pain in their jaw becomes so overwhelming that they can no longer use it to grasp at toys. In addition to this, you could notice that your dog is only using one side of their mouth to chew or perhaps is no longer interested in their dry pet food altogether.

It is critical to note that a reputable veterinary dentist will provide you with a schedule for checkups. It is imperative to stick to these appointments to mitigate the threat of oral problems.

To learn more about veterinary dentistry, contact a veterinarian in your area.

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